1. Update installation


There are various ways of updating the installation:


  1. Automatic method
  2. Manual method
  3. Importing an update
  4. Local directory
  5. External tool


It should be noted that setup is also an update method, but it does not always contain the very latest release. In fact, the concept of updates was designed to allow very rapid updates, and thus to be able to react very quickly either to a change in SPF constraints, or to the correction of a bug preventing normal use of the software. It may therefore happen that an update is made available, without the latest setup incorporating this change.


The latest setup is still available from www.corporate.be/corporatedesk/FR/setup.zip


In addition, the update, whatever the method, also requires the Windows user running it to be in the administrator group, for the same reasons as during installation.


1. Automatic method


The simplest is the automatic method. On start-up, the application connects to the update server and compares the local installation with the one proposed on the server. If they are identical (which is the case in the majority of cases), start-up continues without saying anything: the application is up to date. But if there is a discrepancy, if the local installation is older than the one proposed on the update server, the update of the local installation is proposed or at least announced, depending on the rights of the user running the application. You can reset


This can be the case, for example, if the user sees that the update concerns the "281 Forms" module while he is busy entering VAT returns), or you can accept it (which is recommended in most cases). In this case, the update is downloaded, then the current instance of the application is stopped, the application is updated and then restarted. If the update fails, the application performs a "rollback" as far as possible, i.e. it returns as far as possible to the situation that prevailed before the update attempt.


Note that for the update to be carried out, the user must have administrator rights, or more precisely be a member of the administrator group. This means that when the actual update takes place, the application may require the UAC rights to be raised.

By default, this check only takes place once a day. This means that if you start the application several times on the same day, it will check its status the first time, but will not do so on subsequent occasions.

You can adjust this behaviour in the "File" menu, "Preferences", tab

"Internet": select either "Every time you start up", "Once a day" or "Every ... day" and specify the number of days (between 2 and 30).  Please note that the

"work offline" is unchecked.


2. Manual Method


You can also update manually. The mechanism is much the same, except that it is not run automatically at start-up, you do it yourself. This can be useful, for example, if the automatic update at start-up has failed, or if you are working off-line.

To do this manually, go to the "File" menu, "Preferences", tab

Click on "Internet" and click on "Manual update". You can also go to the application's control panel, "Detailed application configuration" option, "Update" button. Apart from the fact that you trigger this update voluntarily (by clicking on a button), it works in the same way as the automatic update. In particular, the user's rights may need to be raised. Whether via the application or via the control panel, the update will only take effect once the current application has been shut down, but there will be no automatic restart.


Example: you update manually in the "Internet" tab of the Corporate Desk preferences. The update is downloaded and put on hold. You continue to work with the old version; the new version will only be installed when you close Corporate Desk, and will therefore only be available the next time you start up.


3. Import


You can also download an update and import it into the application. The advantage of this method is that the update can be downloaded to a different workstation from the one where the application is running, for example because that workstation is not connected to the Internet or because the proxy or firewall prevents it. The application update can be imported from www.corporate.be/corporatedesk/patch_<productversion>.upd, where the product version must be


indicated in lower case. For example, with version X.15a, the update can be downloaded from www.corporate.be/corporatedesk/patch_x.15a.upd.


Then go to the "File" menu, "Preferences", "Internet" tab, button

"Then select the downloaded file and follow the instructions. Once again, you may need to upgrade your user rights. As with an online update, the update will only take effect once the application has been restarted.


This import can also be done in the control panel: "Detailed application configuration", "Import update" button.


4. Local directory


The above procedures apply individually to each workstation. But in a network, it is possible that some workstations are connected to the Internet, while others are not. Or access to the Internet through a proxy may be different from one workstation to another.


It is therefore possible for a workstation on the network with Internet access to download the update, install it on its own behalf and share it with other workstations via a local directory accessible to all the workstations concerned.

  1. Suppliers of the local directory

Local directory providers are those who have access to the Internet. They configure their workstation as described above in the "Automatic" section, but they also select a local directory in the "Copy to" field using the "..." button.


This directory is arbitrary, but it must of course be accessible to all workstations on the network, for example on a file server. It is advisable to use a directory solely for this purpose, but it is not compulsory. The application will create a sub-directory in this directory related to the current version ("X.15a" for example).


The local directory is also populated during a manual update or when an update is imported. To cancel this feature, simply empty the "Copy to" field.

  1. Local directory clients

Clients in the local directory are those who will update their version of Corporate Desk by reading the updates in this local directory. They do not need to have access to the Internet, but they must of course have the rights required to update (administrator rights, as explained above).


To activate this feature, in the 'Internet' tab of the preferences, simply tick 'Extract updates from', and select the local directory supplied by the 'suppliers'.


5. External tool


A final option is to use the "CheckCDUpdate.exe" tool. This tool was designed primarily for the "Terminal Server" world, but it is not limited to it. It is useful for


especially if the usual user of the application does not have the required rights to update: as soon as an update is available, the system administrator can run this tool without having to start the application.


Another potential use is to have this tool run automatically every night (for example), and in return to no longer check for updates when the application is started (see "File" menu, "Preferences", "Internet" tab).


This tool is self-contained: it can be moved and copied anywhere, and run from that separate location. But of course it has to be on the computer where the application is installed.

The detailed operation of this tool is described in another document associated with Terminal Server.