"I am looking for the Fiche 281.xx but I can't see it in the list" is a remark we often read.

There are 2 possibilities.

1/ Either the corresponding column is hidden: right-click on one of the column heads and check that the 281.xx forms are checked; if necessary, select them.

2/ Or the empty columns are hidden: go to the "File" menu, "Preferences", "Main Screen" tab and check that the "All columns visible" box is checked.

Note that in any case, the 281.xx forms (and all the others) are always available in the record management screen: right click on the debtor, option "Manage records"; you define a "beneficiary" (in the case of record 281.xx, the debtor), you click on the "Record" column and you select "281.xx". If the column "281.xx" did not appear because of the second case above, it will appear as soon as a 281.xx record is created.

As a reminder, Corporate Desk offers (22/2/2023) the following forms:

Form 281.10 : Remuneration (natural person)

Form 281.11: Pensions

Form 281.12: Replacement income (insurance)

Form 281.13 : Unemployment benefits

Form 281.14 : Replacement income (insurance)

Form 281.15 : Income from pension savings

Form 281.16 : Statutory permanent disability benefits

Form 281.17 : Unemployment benefits with company supplement

Form 281.18 : Supplementary benefits/replacement income

Form 281.20 : Remuneration of company directors

Form 281.25 : Certificate

Form 281.27 : Income from association activities - individual form New 2023 !

Form 281.29 : Income from the collaborative economy

Form 281.30: Directors' fees, prizes, subsidies, food rents, etc.

Form 281.40: Income from movable property included in life annuities or temporary annuities

Form 281.45 : Copyright and related rights

Form 281.48 : Information obligation for digital platforms

Form 281.50 : Commissions, fees, remuneration, NTDs, ...

Form 281.71 : Certificates (gifts)

Form 281.78 : Exemption for social liabilities

Form 281.85 : Tax Shelter

Form 281.86 : Childcare expenses